About this Blog!

Heya!This is a Blog all about reading so if you enjoy reading like I do, have a look! I will post my gerneral views of reading and my views on the books I am reading! Look forward to hearing what you think! Byeeee!

Tuesday 10 July 2012


I need your help guys!
As you know, I have just finished all the books in the Hunger Games triolgy and found them really enjoyable. The only problem now is that I don't have a book to read at the moment!! If anyone can recommend a book to me that would be great, thanks!

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Heya Guys! I have now finished all the books in the 'Hunger Games' triolgy!!!!! I really enjoyed all of them and would definately recommend these books! All of them were really interesting and even though they were all very similar, they were all very different in other ways.......READ THEM!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Just Finished.....

Heya guys! I have just finished reading the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne  Collins, yayyyyyyy!! It was AMAZING, I could not put the book down, any time I had to spare I was reading it! Suzanne Collins described everything so well, it actually felt as if I was there, experiencing it all. I won't tell you what happened because it will ruin the story-you are just going to have to read it yourselves!I really liked this book-it was sooooo exciting but I did not like the ending as it left you on a cliff hanger and I really wanted to know what was going to happen next-I wanted to know so much that I went out and bought the trilogy myself! Hehehehe, now I can enjoy the next book in the trilogy called 'Catching Fire'. Can't wait!
Happy Reading!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Lost in the Unknown

I love reading!!!! I find that it is a good way to calm down and forget about everything. I love the way you can lose yourself in any book and it can take you to unkown places -without leaving my bed!!! By reading you can travel anywhere, any time by simply picking up a book and reading it. I read many different types of books, mostly non-fiction as I think that it is easier to read. I like to read action but I also like reading romantic and comedy ones too, but I can’t stand thriller!

I don’t really have a favourite author but I do like reading books by Linda Newberry and Ceelia Rees as I get lost in their books really easily and I can’t put them down! I don’t spend as much time reading as I used to do, mainly because I am really busy but when I get a chance, I love lying cosily in my bed reading a good book!
What do you think?!