About this Blog!

Heya!This is a Blog all about reading so if you enjoy reading like I do, have a look! I will post my gerneral views of reading and my views on the books I am reading! Look forward to hearing what you think! Byeeee!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Just Finished.....

Heya guys! I have just finished reading the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne  Collins, yayyyyyyy!! It was AMAZING, I could not put the book down, any time I had to spare I was reading it! Suzanne Collins described everything so well, it actually felt as if I was there, experiencing it all. I won't tell you what happened because it will ruin the story-you are just going to have to read it yourselves!I really liked this book-it was sooooo exciting but I did not like the ending as it left you on a cliff hanger and I really wanted to know what was going to happen next-I wanted to know so much that I went out and bought the trilogy myself! Hehehehe, now I can enjoy the next book in the trilogy called 'Catching Fire'. Can't wait!
Happy Reading!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Lost in the Unknown

I love reading!!!! I find that it is a good way to calm down and forget about everything. I love the way you can lose yourself in any book and it can take you to unkown places -without leaving my bed!!! By reading you can travel anywhere, any time by simply picking up a book and reading it. I read many different types of books, mostly non-fiction as I think that it is easier to read. I like to read action but I also like reading romantic and comedy ones too, but I can’t stand thriller!

I don’t really have a favourite author but I do like reading books by Linda Newberry and Ceelia Rees as I get lost in their books really easily and I can’t put them down! I don’t spend as much time reading as I used to do, mainly because I am really busy but when I get a chance, I love lying cosily in my bed reading a good book!
What do you think?!